WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. A Farmers Market Is one in which farmers and producers from a defined local area, in this case the Cairngorms National Park, are present in person to sell their own products direct to the public. All products on offer should have been grown, reared, caught, brewed, pickled, baked, smoked, processed or made by the stall holder. Source – National Association of Farmers Markets Challenges to CFMA project • Uncertainty in variety of produce available • Uncertainty in volume of produce • Uncertainty in continuity of supply • Lack of confidence to change methods ofselling + marketing • Commitment of time to initiate • Personal financial resources • Lack of proximity to large population base Progress in 2004 • Volunteer organiser found – Jaci Douglas 2004 • Pilot Markets arranged linked to local events • Funding obtained from Leader and Highland Council • Feasibility Studies – showed public backing for a local Farmers Market within the area. - wider market research always shows Farmers Market brings more shoppers into town on the day; this helps allay fears of local traders • Coherent identity – Cairngorms Farmers Market Cairngorms Farmers Market Association -first inaugurated 2004 -3 pilot markets 2004 / 5 Motor Mania 2004, 2005 • 6 Cairngorms producers of food + local crafts • Range included: beef, lamb, organic lamb, organic bread, furniture, fruit, honey, pottery • Customer reaction: want regular marketwithin 20 mile radius of home base. • Information and educational role, cookerydemonstrations. Challenges of moving forward • Cost of hiring stalls, cold counters, generators too high to make market viable for individual stall holders. • Processing of meat – lack of local capacity • Cairngorms covers 3 Council areas • How to become viable long term option for selling and marketing local produce + crafts. Spring 2006 • Successful Grant Application to Leader +, CNPA, Highland, Moray + Aberdeenshire councils and HIE Moray + Inverness + East Highland. • Equipment purchased to reduce hire cost and make market work for stall holders e.g.. Cold counters, tents, generators, tables, equipment trailer, marketing + branding. • Part time Organiser recruited Image: customers visiting stalls at Farmers Market • 8 markets completed in 2006 in - Tomintoul, Braemar, Grantown, Carrbridge andAviemore. Motor Mania increased to 15 stalls. • Cairngorms Producer Members increased by 33% from 9 to 12 • Introduced Guest Producers to expand range ofquality produce + crafts on offer. • Products list expanded to include: cheese, vegetables, jewellery, tablet, homemade cards, garden plants and chainsaw carvings • Market research continue to show very positivefeedback from customers • Set to expand in 2007 to build toward long termsustainable Cairngorms Farmers Market Rebranding and new logo for 2007 Image: Cairngorms logo Cairngorms Farmers Market Association Limited • Not for profit organisation, low cost entry to selling directwhich helps establish and support local businesses andtherefore rural economy. • Stall sharing option for very small producers • New members still welcome – producers of quality foodor crafts. • Build community at Farmers Markets, e.g. Local charitystalls. • Local suppliers wherever possible. • Sunday markets – Saturday stall holders busy with otherdiversifications, capitalise on self catering tourist tradealso avoids clashes with other Farmers Markets. • Ethical choices - carrier bags, cotton bags. The Future? • Good range of produce developing all the time. • 16 markets for 2007 more stand alone to keep costs to minimum. • Set a budget which breaks even • Sustainability – looking at all the options to include depreciation of equipment for 2007. • Continue to look for sponsorship from agricultural business to make us viable long term. Improve communication to communities within National Park • Local food supports rural economy • Low food miles protects environment • Reconnect consumers with food producers to build confidence in products produced to highest welfare standards and minimum chemical usage • Overcome perceived competition with local shops Next market – Aviemore this Sunday Look out for our trailer! Image: Cairngorms Farmers Market trailer